The discipline of chemistry is steadily expanding, so that in addition to the conversion of substances, it is increasingly concerned with investigating the physical properties of substances in relation to their electronic structure, molecular arrangements and interactions, and the design of molecules and materials with novel functions. Molecular engineering is a new academic field serving to underpin the fundamental science of microscopic phenomena involving atoms, molecules, and polymers by theoretically and empirically elucidating the interactions between atoms, molecules, and polymers and applying the results directly to engineering at a molecular level. The importance of molecular engineering to the frontiers of chemistry is clearly recognized. High expectations are held for the potential contribution of molecular engineering to cutting-edge technology, particularly in Japan. One of the most important areas of research in molecular engineering at present is the development of new materials: for example, new electronic materials; high-performance materials in molecular biotechnology; high-performance organic, inorganic, and polymeric materials; highly selective catalysts; and energy and information-related materials.
The aim of the Department of Molecular Engineering is to train researchers and engineers who can use new concepts in molecular theory to develop useful applications from fundamental science.